Abigail, Har Hebron

Hebrew אֲבִיגַיִל
(Translit.) Avigayil
Name meaning Abigail
Founded 2001
Founded by Demobilized soldiers
Council Har Hebron

Abigail (Hebrew: אֲבִיגַיִל‎‎) is an Israeli settlement located adjacent to Ma'on in the Judean Hills of the West Bank. The village receives its municipal services from the Har Hebron Regional Council. Abigail is named after the Biblical Abigail, the wife of Nabal, who lived in the original Ma'on.

Abigail was established on Yom Kippur eve 2001 by a group of recently-discharged Israel Defence Forces soldiers, near an area where there had been many attempted terror attacks on Israeli civilians.

Immediately after the group moved onto the land, a High Court of Justice ruled a temporary injunction ordering a freeze on all development work on the site until an official ruling could be made regarding the status of the land. After approximately two and a half years, the court's final decision was to allow the building to continue.

Today in Abigail, there are about ten families, some of which operated a local goat farm which provided milk for the dairy in Susiya. In 2008, this farm moved operations to an advanced facility in Susiya.